Saturday, November 30, 2013


This Friday, my wonderful boyfriend is getting his wisdom teeth out. I haven't gotten mine out yet, although I expect to
In the next two months (ahhhhh!). I personally do not do well with anything medical. I am petrified of doctors, pain, needles...basically anything I am glad he is getting the surgery before I am, so I know what to expect. I know that the recovery for the surgery can range from relatively easy, to excruciating, depending on the circumstances surrounding the operation and the patient themselves. With this in mind, I have decided to make my boyfriend a care package to help with his recovery. Here is what I am including in the package:

-Fluffy pillow
-Soft blanket
-ice cream
-a mix cd
-2 movies
-one book
-one magazine
-an iTunes gift card
-either comfy sweatpants or a sweatshirt 
-a teddy bear
-a framed picture of me (haha) 

Comment if you have any ideas for other items I could add to the list! Hopefully his surgery goes great and his recovery is quick! I will post pictures of the care package when it is completed! Feel free to comment/ email me your wisdom tooth-surgery story so I know what to expect!!

Quotes to Live By

Here are a few (random) quotes that I love! Some are more serious than others, but they are all fabulous sayings! 


           With the Holidays approaching I want to discuss a favorite trend of mine: Necklaces! Statement necklaces to be specific.  These items can be used for any occasion really, but now that the season for holiday parties is in session, there are certain kinds which are always a hit.


         Gold is a warm color, which is why it is perfect for the winter. When it is all silvery-gray and cold outside, gold is a perfect contrast! Gold is also a festive holiday color and goes great with white, black, red, and green, which are my favorite holiday colors. Additionally, gold is great for warm seasons too, particularly summer. Gold brings out tans excellently! Investing in gold now, will save you money for the warmer months.

*Gold monogram necklaces are my absolute favorites! Check out to order one online! They make great gifts!

          Pearls are classic. Enough said. Every woman MUST have a pair in their jewelry box. A trend I have noticed this season is that layered pearls is very popular. Pearls layered in strands, or layered in all different sizes is a definite hit this season.

You can find pearls like these basically anywhere! That means you can get them super cheap!

              Diamonds look fantastic with everything. In the winter they add a polished and glamorous look to outfits, particularly if top is black. Diamonds in gold setting are particularly popular, and for an extra unique look add pearls to the necklace.

Diamond statement necklaces also come anywhere! This particular one comes from J.CREW (duh). Check out the J.CREW factory website to get them on sale! 

Happy Holidays!

“A Juice a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”

           With all the Thanksgiving food stuffed in our bellies, it’s easy to forget to give our bodies a break from the gravy, stuffing, and butter laden deserts. The reality of it is that Thanksgiving food is very heavy; either when we eat it fresh out of the kitchen, or after it’s been in our fridge for a few days. There a few things you can do to help calm your body down from the excessive Thanksgiving eating! One thing you can do is a cleanse, but if you want something less extreme, just eat healthier! Personally, I’ve been eating an apple every morning, instead of a grainy breakfast. This helps me enormously throughout the day.
            I also am a firm believer in the magic of Vitamin C. You can get this vitamin in oranges especially, but my favorite way of getting Vitamin C is through juice. It’s way easier to consume on the go, and you can get more of a dosage of Vitamin C than you can from just a simple orange. You also don’t have to deal with the mess of peeling an orange!

            Hands down the best juice ever is the Odwalla C Monster juice! Some days I’ll wake up with a terrible cold, and I’ll go to the drugstore near my home to purchase the juice. I’ll drink it in the morning, and by mid-afternoon I will feel so much better! Try the juice, if it works half as well for you as it does for me, you will be glad you tried it! Below is a link to check out the juice, and the ingredients that go into it!