Saturday, November 30, 2013

“A Juice a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”

           With all the Thanksgiving food stuffed in our bellies, it’s easy to forget to give our bodies a break from the gravy, stuffing, and butter laden deserts. The reality of it is that Thanksgiving food is very heavy; either when we eat it fresh out of the kitchen, or after it’s been in our fridge for a few days. There a few things you can do to help calm your body down from the excessive Thanksgiving eating! One thing you can do is a cleanse, but if you want something less extreme, just eat healthier! Personally, I’ve been eating an apple every morning, instead of a grainy breakfast. This helps me enormously throughout the day.
            I also am a firm believer in the magic of Vitamin C. You can get this vitamin in oranges especially, but my favorite way of getting Vitamin C is through juice. It’s way easier to consume on the go, and you can get more of a dosage of Vitamin C than you can from just a simple orange. You also don’t have to deal with the mess of peeling an orange!

            Hands down the best juice ever is the Odwalla C Monster juice! Some days I’ll wake up with a terrible cold, and I’ll go to the drugstore near my home to purchase the juice. I’ll drink it in the morning, and by mid-afternoon I will feel so much better! Try the juice, if it works half as well for you as it does for me, you will be glad you tried it! Below is a link to check out the juice, and the ingredients that go into it!


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