Saturday, November 30, 2013


This Friday, my wonderful boyfriend is getting his wisdom teeth out. I haven't gotten mine out yet, although I expect to
In the next two months (ahhhhh!). I personally do not do well with anything medical. I am petrified of doctors, pain, needles...basically anything I am glad he is getting the surgery before I am, so I know what to expect. I know that the recovery for the surgery can range from relatively easy, to excruciating, depending on the circumstances surrounding the operation and the patient themselves. With this in mind, I have decided to make my boyfriend a care package to help with his recovery. Here is what I am including in the package:

-Fluffy pillow
-Soft blanket
-ice cream
-a mix cd
-2 movies
-one book
-one magazine
-an iTunes gift card
-either comfy sweatpants or a sweatshirt 
-a teddy bear
-a framed picture of me (haha) 

Comment if you have any ideas for other items I could add to the list! Hopefully his surgery goes great and his recovery is quick! I will post pictures of the care package when it is completed! Feel free to comment/ email me your wisdom tooth-surgery story so I know what to expect!!

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